About Our Church
We are located at 4446 Meese Road, just ¼ mile south of Main Street (SR153) on the east side of Louisville, Ohio. We relocated our ministry from Minerva to our present location where we have been holding services since August of 2011. Our facility is very comfortable and modern. We have a brand new nursery, and an additional classroom which also serve as our Jr. Church area. Email UsCall UsOur Name
BEREAN: Acts 17:11, (Ber-ee’an), Berea is a city in the New Testament Book of Acts. The “Bereans” are noted for two things. First, they eagerly receiving the word of God as it was taught to them. Secondly, they searched the scriptures to verify what they were being taught was true. We encourage all, young and old, to bring their Bibles to church to study and learn God’s word for themselves.
BIBLE: II Timothy 3:16, “Bible” is our middle name! God’s word lies at the very heart of all we do, and is our final authority in all matters of faith and practice. We believe the entire Bible to be the inspired word of God! While God himself never changes, His dealings with mankind down through the ages have. This is why the Bible instructs us to “rightly divide the word of truth,” in II Timothy 2:15 (KJV). While the entire Bible is for our profit and learning, it is not all specifically addressed to, or is about us today. We therefore recognize Paul as the apostle of the Gentiles and preach the entire Bible in the light of his gospel, Romans 11:13, 16:25, 26.
CHURCH: I Timothy 3:15, The local church is a family that gathers in a community to edify one another, and establish a testimony to the surrounding area of the truth of God’s word, and manifest the life of his Son, in the individual members, and in the group as a whole. As His ambassadors, our purpose is to do God’s will, for in I Timothy 2:4 he would have “all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth”. This local church is not an organization, but a living organism! Our motto is; “Not I, but Christ”! We are to rejoice in the Lord alway! He lives and manifests his life in us, as we rejoice in his word to us, and allow his truth to work in us, for his glory! This is the true meaning of fellowship, and we would love for you to join us!
Our Motto
Galatians 2:20 “…not I, but Christ…”
This wonderfully simple, yet profound phrase comes from the book of Galatians, chapter 2, verse 20. It summarizes the gospel of our eternal salvation, our standing, and our security before God, and is the essence of the Christian life day by day, in a nutshell! Our problem, as sons of Adam, is that we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God, and there is none righteous, no not one! That problem has eternal consequences before the justice of God! Can religion, or us doing our best, pay for our sins? It is not about us in any way. We could never be sure we have done enough, or done it just right. The answer for salvation eternally is, “Not I, But Christ”! When he died and rose again for our sins, He did it all and he did enough! “For by grace ye are saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast”, Ephesians 2:8 & 9.
Grace is also how we rest and are secure in Him. We are not on probation, trying stay in his favor. It was not our goodness that saved us in the first place, and it is not our faithfulness that keeps us saved. For our eternal security it is, “Not I, but Christ”, Ephesians 1:13 & 14.
For life’s daily decisions and priorities, it is, “Not I, but Christ”. We live, not unto ourselves, but unto Him who died for us, and rose again, because his love constrains us! I’m serving the one who loved me and gave himself for me! To get along with others it is, “Not I, But Christ”. “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus…” To live daily, it is, “yet not I, but Christ which liveth in me…”, II Corinthians 5:14 & 15, Philippians 2:4-8.
Our History
Berean Bible Church was founded as an independent, non-denominational Bible church in 1975 by Bill Russell, who served as its first pastor until 1982. Pastor Dan Lippincott then led the ministry until 1989. Ted Fellows became the church’s third pastor in 1990, and continues until this present day. We met in several locations in the Minerva area in those early years. In 1983 we purchased and renovated the Mohawk Theatre in downtown Minerva, which served as our home for many years of fruitful ministry in that community.
Amid growing concerns over suitability for the future, the church building in Minerva was sold, allowing us to purchase the current facility in Louisville Ohio, relocate the ministry, and we began holding services there on August 7th, 2011. Berean Bible Church has touched many lives through the years, and has a long history of a stable and consistent godly testimony, with a strong commitment to the gospel of the grace of God. We are excited about the opportunity to continue serving the Lord together in the Louisville area!

Our Facility
We are located at 4446 Meese Road, just ¼ mile south of Main Street (SR153) on the east side of Louisville, Ohio. We relocated our ministry from Minerva to our present location where we have been holding services since August of 2011. Our facility is very comfortable and modern. We have a brand new nursery, and an additional classroom which also serve as our Jr. Church area.

Our Pastor
Pastor Ted Fellows was born and raised in a Christian home and came to know the Lord Jesus Christ at an early age. He graduated from Grace School Of The Bible in 1986, and was ordained by his home church, the Berean Grace Church of Genoa City, Wisconsin, where he served as pastor from 1985 through 1989. Pastor Ted and his family moved to Ohio, and he and his wife Sue have served Berean Bible Church from 1990 until this present day. Ted and Sue have been married since 1976 and raised five children. They are now retired from their window cleaning business, which served many in Stark County and surrounding areas since their move to Ohio, and often facilitated many wonderful opportunities for ministry.