Through The Bible

Through The Bible In 7 Hours

7 Chapters 14 Sessions

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Course Structure

Hour 1 2 Lessons

Hour 2 2 Lessons

Hour 3 2 Lessons

Week 3 Session 1 "The Four Gospels: Their Focus and Goal"

"The Four Gospels: Their Focus and Goal"

Week 3 Session 2 "The Four Gospels: Their Structure and Presentation of Jesus Christ"

"The Four Gospels: Their Structure and Presentation of Jesus Christ" 

Hour 4 2 Lessons

Week 4 Session 1 "The Book of Acts: Salvation Re-offered to Israel"

"The Book of Acts: Salvation Re-offered to Israel"

Week 4, Session 2 "The Book of Acts: Fall of Israel and Salvation to the Gentiles"

"The Book of Acts: Fall of Israel and Salvation to the Gentiles"

Hour 5 2 Lessons

Hour 6 2 Lessons

Week 6, Session 1 "The Pauline Epistles: Romans-Colossians"

"The Pauline Epistles: Romans-Colossians"

Week 6, Session 2 "The Pauline Epistles: Thessalonians & Pastoral Epistles"

The Pauline Epistles: Thessalonians & Pastoral Epistles"

Hour 7 2 Lessons

Week 7, Session 1

"The Hebrew Epistles: What about the Little Flock?"

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